Still in print:
The Trouble with Our State (edited by John Dear; Amazon and
Daniel Berrigan: Essential Writings (edited by John Dear; Orbis books; also available as an audio book on cds from Blackstone)
And the Risen Bread: Selected Poetry, 1957-1997 (edited by John Dear; Fordham Press)
The Trial of the Catonsville Nine (Fordham Press)
The Raft Is Not the Shore: Conversations with Thich Nhat Hanh (Orbis)
Testimony (Orbis)
Isaiah: Spirit of Courage, Gift of Tears (Fortress)
Jeremiah: The Word, the Wound of God (Fortress)
Daniel: Under the Siege of the Divine (Plough Publishing)
Job: And Death No Dominion (Sheed and Ward/Rowman and Littlefield)
Lamentations: From New York to Kabul and Beyond (Sheed and Ward)
Genesis: Fair Beginnings, Then Foul (Sheed and Ward)
Wisdom: The Feminine Face of God (Sheed and Ward)
Prayer for the Morning Headlines (Apprentice House)
Exodus: Let My People Go (Cascade)
The Kings and their Gods: The Pathology of Power (Eerdmans)
No Gods but One (Eerdmans)
A Sunday in Hell: Fables and Poems (B&B books)
The Geography of Faith: Conversations with Robert Coles (Skylight Paths)
Wipf and Stock Daniel Berrigan Series, All Available at
To Dwell in Peace: An Autobiography
The Trouble With Our State
They Call Us Dead Men: Reflections on Life and Conscience
No Bars to Manhood
The Dark Night of Resistance
The Discipline of the Mountain: Dante’s Purgatorio in a Nuclear World
Ten Commandments for the Long Haul
Portraits—Of Those I Love
The Nightmare of God: The Book of Revelation
Whereon to Stand: The Acts of the Apostles and Ourselves
Minor Prophets, Major Themes
Daniel: Under the Siege of the Divine
Sorrow Built a Bridge
Books Out of Print:
Daniel Berrigan: Poetry, Prose, Drama
Time Without Number
The Bride: Essays in the Church
The Bow in the Clouds: Humanity’s Covenant with God
The World for Wedding Ring
No One Walks Waters
Love, Love at the End
False Gods, Real Men
Trial Poems
America Is Hard to Find
Absurd Convictions, Modest Hopes: Conversations After Prison
Jesus Christ
Selected and New Poems
Prison Poems
A Book of Parables
Beside the Sea of Glass
The Words Our Savior Gave Us
Steadfastness of the Saints
Block Island
May All Creatures Live
The Mission: A Film Journal
Stations: The Way of the Cross
Tulips in the Prison Yard
Homage to Gerard Manley Hopkins
The Bride: Images of the Church
Ezekiel: Visions in the Dust
Consequences: Truth and…
Night Flight to Hanoi
Lights On in the House of the Dead: A Prison Diary
Uncommon Prayer: A Book of Psalms
We Die Before We Live: Talking with the Very Ill
Other Books About Daniel Berrigan
At Play in the Lions’ Den: A Biography and Memoir of Daniel Berrigan” by Jim Forest (Orbis)
Apostle of Peace: Essays in Honor of Daniel Berrigan (available from
Celebrant’s Flame: Daniel Berrigan in Memory and Reflection, by Bill Wylie-Kellermann (available from
Disarmed and Dangerous by Murray Polner and Jim O’Grady.
The Catonsville Nine by Shawn Peters.
The Berrigan Letters ed. By Daniel Cosacchi and Eric Martin.
Divine Disobedience: Profiles in Catholic Radicalism by Francine du Plessix Gray
Witness of the Berrigans: edited by Stephen Halpert and Tom Murray.
The Mission
The Berrigans: Devout and Dangerous
The Holy Outlaw
Investigation of a Flame